PE-14-727 Temperature and Humidity Controls

Temperature and Humidity Controls

Temperature and Humidity Controls
Physical and Environmental Protection
Physical and Environmental Protection
January 29, 2016

Information resource owners with responsibility over infrastructure equipment shall: a. Maintain temperature and humidity levels within the facility where information resources reside at 22.5°C (±4.5°C) dry bulb temperature, 10.25°C (±4.75°C) dew point, and no more than 60% relative humidity in accordance with American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Thermal Guidelines for Data Centers and other Data Processing Environments; b. Monitor temperature and humidity levels on a continuous (24/7) basis; and c. Employ temperature and humidity monitoring that provides an alarm or notification of changes potentially harmful to personnel or equipment.

External and/or environmental threats (e.g., fire, flood, earthquake, civil unrest) disrupt operations due to inadequate physical security controls.
The organization: a. Maintains temperature and humidity levels within the facility where the information system resides at [Assignment: organization-defined acceptable levels]; and b. Monitors temperature and humidity levels [Assignment: organization-defined frequency].
The data center and other critical processing areas has humidity monitors.
The state organization regularly maintains, within acceptable levels, and monitors the temperature and humidity within the facility where the information system resides.
Obtain physical and environmental protection policy; procedures addressing temperature and humidity control; facility housing the information system; temperature and humidity controls; temperature and humidity controls documentation; temperature and humidity records; other relevant documents or records and ascertain if: (I)the organization regularly maintains, within acceptable levels, the temperature and humidity within the facility where the information system resides. (ii)the organization regularly monitors the temperature and humidity within the facility where the information system resides.